Save Water, and Money with these water conservation tips
Saving water is as easy as turning off a light switch!
When you want to save money on your light bill - You start by turning off the lights. If you want to save money on your water bill - Use – less - water.
20 tips on conserving water and energy… and saving money in the process!
The more we understand about how we use energy and water in our homes, the more we realize that saving one resource results in saving the other.
Water! Simply Indispensable! – Full Length County Music Video
County music video to help stop wasteful water behavior before it becomes a habit, especially those involving lawn and garden water uses.
Tips for a Healthy and Budget-Friendly Lawn
Saving money is on all of our minds these days, and implementing proper watering and planting practices can not only provide positive differences in your water bill, but also give your lawn the best possible opportunity to grow and thrive.
Use water wisely…it is the right thing to do.
There are 1.1 billion people in the world who do not have access to safe drinking water, and that number will more than double by 2020.
Whether called Xeriscape, water-wise or water-smart landscaping, landscape and water industry professionals throughout the nation have embraced landscape water conservation through education.
A Water Efficiency Checklist for Restaurants
Non-kitchen use can account for up to 35% of water usage in restaurants. Restaurant managers should continuously remind their employees about the importance and benefits of water conservation.
What Landscapers (and homeowners) should know about Stormwater Pollution and how to help prevent it!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that Storm-water Runoff Pollution may well be the biggest single threat to the quality of our drinking water.
HEY! Water conservation is no laughing matter!
Each and every one of us can use our precious water supplies more efficiently. Sometimes, it is just a matter of avoiding waste.
10 Things You Can Do to Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution
Use fertilizers sparingly and sweep up driveways, sidewalks, and roads, Never dump anything down storm drains, Vegetate bare spots in your yard.
What do you know about stormwater pollution?
Stormwater pollution can result from contaminated runoff from urban areas
What You Can Do to Prevent Stormwater Pollution
Stormwater runoff occurs when rain flows over the ground. Stormwater
Winterizing your lawn’s irrigation system in Houston, Texas
You should Winterize your sprinkler system in Southern Texas if the temperatures are expected to drop below 32 degrees.
Seven quick and easy irrigation tips
Water lawns in the early morning, Install rain sensors on sprinkler systems, Fix leaky faucets and hoses..they waste water and money.
Harvested rainwater should not be used for drinking
Many people who are interested in conserving our precious groundwater
Take shorter showers!
Even a one or two minute shorter shower can save up to 700 gallons of water a month. Consider turning the water off while you soap up and wash your hair…and turn it back on to rinse off
Save water and money outside the house
A typical American single-family home uses about 10,000 gallons of water a year for lawn irrigation. In the summer months, that demand can be as much as three times higher. The fact is that excessive irrigation not only increases water costs, but it drains our water supply sources...
Save water and money in the Kitchen and Laundry
Here’s where you’ll find some more thirsty appliances. Depending on how old these workhorses are, you might realize a significant savings in the long run -- in both water and energy usage -- if you replace them.
Save water and money, stop leaky faucets and toilets
Pay attention to your indoor water usage. That means check routinely for leaks...leaking faucets, leaking toilets, leaking appliances. Watch your water bill...suspect a leak if you have any sudden increase in usage without changing your usual patterns.
Don’t make me come over there…STOP WASTING WATER!
A single dripping faucet can waste more water in one day than a family member would need for drinking in a whole week!
Are you overwatering your yard?
During the summer months, more than 50 percent of our drinking water is used on landscapes and yards. Far too many people think they have to water every day or every other day to have a lush lawn.
Overspray – WHAT A WASTE!
TCEQ rules governing irrigation in Texas do not allow spraying water over impervious surfaces such as walls, fences, sidewalks, and streets.
Recommended Outdoor Conservation Practices
Walk across the lawn, if you leave footprints, it’s time
Is Your Irrigation System Running?
Watering your grass is like running a marathon. You need to train the roots to grow or "run" deeper into the soil.
Turfgrass tips to make a lawn the envy of the neighborhood
Springtime is a good time to prepare lawns for a healthy summer as warm-season grasses come out of dormancy and begin to green up
North Plains water district, AgriLife Extension promote cotton education
“Cotton & Conservation” a new series being developed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and North Plains Groundwater Conservation District.
How Grasses Grow – A new website by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Website features information on vegetative reproduction of perennial grasses, a brief description of West-Central Texas dominant grass bud banks, fire effects on representative warm and cool season grasses, and published journal articles on bud banks.
Championship Golf Course Raises the Bar for Efficient Irrigation Practices
And why wouldn't golf course managers respect this most precious of all natural resources? After all, it’s the life blood of an almost $80 billion a year industry
LSGCD Adds New Weather Monitoring Equipment
The new weather station will be equipped to monitor, record and transmit temperature, the amount of moisture in the air, solar radiation and wind speed on a continuous basis. The Texas A&M team will routinely collect and evaluate the data, using formulas specially created for this application. At the beginning of each week
Water Conservation Top Priority for North Fort Bend Water Authority
The Committee recommended that the Authority offer evaluations of residential irrigation systems. The Board agreed and approved an agreement with the W.I.S.E. Guys to conduct evaluations of residential irrigation systems for customers of participating MUDs within the Authority’s boundaries